Mmpi 2 l scale
Mmpi 2 l scale

mmpi 2 l scale

If >T65, add "Converts denied psychological conflicts into physical symptoms." If HyS >HyO add,"Very naive and overly trusting. If T60-T65, print "Somatization during periods of stress." Feels victimized." If PaO>T64 add, " Paranoid trends." If F, 8 or 9>T69, BIZ>T65, add "Poor reality testing".Ģ7/72 - "Anxious and depressed, psychosomatic complaints, low self-esteem, intropunitive, obsessive-compulsive." If8>T69 or F>T69, or DO>T65 add "Look for a major depression."Ģ8/82 - "Depression, anxiety, agitation, confusion, suspicious, psychosomatic complaints, possible major depression, fear of relationships, resistant." If F>T69, BIZ>T65, add "Poor reality testing".Ģ9/92 - "Depression and agitation, psychosomatic complaints, check for agitated depression, or bipolar disorder." Family difficulties, immature, dependent, egocentric." If F and 8>T69, add "Poor reality testing."Ģ6/62 - "Extremely sensitive, depressed anger is channeled into both self blame and other blame. Likely to have difficulty in making decisions."Ģ3/32 - "Depression and hysteroid defenses, various psychosomatic complaints, self-doubt, immaturity, apathy, tension, dependency, often resistant to any psychological interpretation." If F and 8>T69, or DO >T65 add "Look for a major depression."Ģ4/42 - "Depressed and hostile, acting out with later remorse self-defeating behaviors resistant, low frustration tolerance.

mmpi 2 l scale

Worried, pessimistic, self-depreciation, internalizes stress. Prognosis for insight therapy is usually good." If T60-T64, print "Moderately depressed, worrying, and pessimistic. Psychosomatic complaints, resistant." Add "Passive-aggressive" if 4>T64. Very demanding, resistant."ġ8/81 "Pain, fatigue, possible somatic delusions, lack of trust, socially inadequate, resistant."ġ9/91 "Hypochondriacal, tense, restless, agitated. Irritable, prone to psychosomatic problems, manipulative,egocentric, pessimistic, poor insight, resistant." If PdO>T64 add, " Hostility and projection of blame."ġ6/61 "Hypochondriacal, possible somatic delusions, overly sensitive, projection of blame, stubborn, poor insight, resistant."ġ7/71 "Hypochondriasis chronic anxiety with obsessive-compulsive features. If Scale Sc6 >T64, add "Look for somatic delusions." 14/41 "Chronic hypochondriacal personality. Likely to develop actual physical symptoms under stress." (Add only if age >60, "Older patients are more likely to have organic involvement.") "Prognosis for psychotherapy is guarded, but supportive or directive therapy during crisis periods may reduce symptoms." If scale 7 is >T64 add "Look for possible panic attacks, severe anxiety, and phobias". Threatened by any suggestion of psychological problems. Prognosis is guarded." If Scale Sc6 is >T64, also print "Look for somatic delusions."ġ3/31- "Possibly converting psychological problems into physical complaints denial and repression makes psychological intervention difficult. Medical intervention should be conservative. Can not see problems as psychological in nature. If >T100 and L>T65, add, "Rule out malingering,"ġ2/21 - "Hypochondriacal with somatization, exaggerates symptoms, complains of pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression passive-dependent, frequently seeks other medical opinions when psychological factors are suggested. If >T75, add to above, "Look for somatic delusions, or exaggeration." Complaints are often an indirect expression of dependency or hostility." If K69 add, "Aged individuals may elevate this scale by 10T, due to physical aging, not personality." If between T66-T75 add "May demand treatment but needs to derogate any assistance. ("XY/YX" means the two highest clinical scales beyond T64." X' " or "spike" means the only clinical scale beyond T64.) If 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9, 6, or K>22, or L and K both > F, -Repression>T69 and-Anxiety 70), consider a test set of underreporting psychopathology, or a personality trait of denial." If these criteria are not met, print statements from any single elevated scale. If this criteria is not met, then go to the next rule: if L.>6, K>22, L and K T> F Tscore, F-KT69 and Anxiety T62. Look for the two highest scores >T64 on the basic MMPI-2 scales (1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,and 0 ).

mmpi 2 l scale


"MMPI- 2 HIGH SCALE CODE INTERPRETATION" The typical person with a similar profile configuration:

Mmpi 2 l scale